Latest Episodes

106. Whipping Wargaming Into NATO SHAPE with COL Arnel David
[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist continues our series of blog posts and podcasts in the run up to our Game On! Wargaming & The...

105. Taking the Golf Out of Gaming with Sebastian Bae
[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist continues our series of blog posts and podcasts in the run up to our Game On! Wargaming & The...

104. Achieving Victory & Ensuring Civilian Safety in Conflict Zones with Andrew Olson
[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist first introduced Andrew Olson to our community of action with his insightful submission to our Calling All Wargamers crowdsourcing...

103. On the Ground and In the Air in Ukraine with Wolfgang Hagarty
“I don’t think America, or the West in general, is prepared in any sort of way to fight a static war like we’re seeing...

102. War, Inc: The Private Sector in Contemporary Conflict with LTC Kristine Hinds
[Editor’s Note: The Mad Scientist Laboratory featured LTC Kristine M. Hinds‘ assessment of private sector involvement in future conflicts in “Sixth Domain” – Private...

101. Precursor to Victory: Understanding the Operational Environment with Mr. Ian Sullivan
[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist is pleased to publish its 500th post! Since its inception on 09 November 2017, the Mad Scientist Laboratory has...