The Convergence - An Army Mad Scientist Podcast

The Convergence is an Army Mad Scientist podcast with a distinct focus on divergent viewpoints, a challenging of assumptions, and insights from thought leaders and subject matter experts. The purpose of "The Convergence" is to ...more

Latest Episodes


July 18, 2024 00:52:41
100. The Dictator's Dream: A Conversation with COL John Antal (USA-Ret.)

100. The Dictator's Dream: A Conversation with COL John Antal (USA-Ret.)

[Editor’s Note:  Last week’s Mad Scientist Laboratory blog post featured a timely “what if?” nightmare scenario by COL John Antal (USA-Ret.), set in a...



May 30, 2024 00:21:01
99. Blending: The Art of Hiding in Plain Sight with LtCol Erik Keim

99. Blending: The Art of Hiding in Plain Sight with LtCol Erik Keim

[Editor’s Note:  Last week’s Mad Scientist Laboratory post featured an assessment by U.S. Army War College student LtCol Erik Keim (USMC) that “militaries will...



May 16, 2024 00:28:33
98. The OSINT Odyssey: Unmasking Digital Clues with Mr. Shawn Nilius

98. The OSINT Odyssey: Unmasking Digital Clues with Mr. Shawn Nilius

[Editor’s Note:  The TRADOC G-2 appreciates the value of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) in informing us about emergent trends across the Operational Environment (OE). For...



May 02, 2024 01:17:13
97. Threat #49: I Think There's Trouble Brewin' with Dr. James Giordano and Dr. James Canton

97. Threat #49: I Think There's Trouble Brewin' with Dr. James Giordano and Dr. James Canton

  [Editor’s Note:  Humanity is entering an era of hyper-innovation as the potential of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Neurocognitive Sciences are harnessed to revolutionize...



April 18, 2024 00:12:06
96. Calling All Wargamers and Mad Sci Update!

96. Calling All Wargamers and Mad Sci Update!

[Editor’s Note: Crowdsourcing remains an effective tool for harvesting ideas and concepts from a wide array of individuals, helping us to diversify thought and...



March 28, 2024 00:32:17
95. African Skies: Space Exploration and National Security Perspectives with Selina Hayes

95. African Skies: Space Exploration and National Security Perspectives with Selina Hayes

“China sits in INDOPACOM, but the playground is Africa.” [Editor’s Note:  Regular readers of the Mad Scientist Laboratory will recall that the Office of...
