Latest Episodes

82. The AI Study Buddy at the Army War College with LtCol Joe Buffamante
[Editor’s Note: In recent weeks, Mad Scientist Laboratory has featured a number of podcasts and associated blog posts exploring the democratization of Artificial Intelligence...

81. Where Creativity Meets Combat: Exploring the USC ICT with Dr. Keith Brawner and Dr. Bill Swartout
"We found that people systematically were more willing to reveal confidential or sensitive information to a virtual human than to a real person" [Editor’s...

80. You Can't Predict the Future: Finding Signals in the Noise with Grant Rafter, Air Force Futures
[Editor's Note: Crowdsourcing and Storytelling are two of Army Mad Scientist's most effective tools in exploring future possibilities regarding the Operational Environment. Crowdsourcing helps...

79. One brain chip, please! Neuro-AI with two of the Maddest Scientists! Dr. James Giordano and Dr. James Canton
[Editor’s Note: Mad Scientist is an Army initiative and Community of Action that continually explores the Operational Environment and the changing character of warfare....

78. Task Force Wolf with LTC Daniel Gomez
In today’s post and podcast, we feature the winning submission from our Back to the Future Writing Contest — Task Force Wolf — as...

77. Chatty Cathy, Open the Pod Bay Doors: An Interview with ChatGPT
“The Convergence of AI, robotics, and cyber-warfare could create new and highly complex military capabilities such as autonomous weapons systems that can make decisions...