Latest Episodes

85. Do You Have What It Takes? Let's Check Your Brain! with Mr. Loran Ambs
[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist has extensively explored how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) can be harnessed to enhance our Warfighters’ ability to...

84. The AI Study Buddy at the Army War College Part 2 with Dr. Billy Barry
[Editor’s Note: Regular readers of the Mad Scientist Laboratory and listeners to The Convergence podcast know that our Pacing Threat — China — is...

83. Shattering the Mirror: The Key to Understanding Adversarial Decision-Making with LTC Nathan Colvin
[Editor’s Note: Sunday morning’s tropical idyll was shattered as the adversary’s surprise attack caught our naval, ground, and air forces completely unprepared. An hour...

82. The AI Study Buddy at the Army War College with LtCol Joe Buffamante
[Editor’s Note: In recent weeks, Mad Scientist Laboratory has featured a number of podcasts and associated blog posts exploring the democratization of Artificial Intelligence...

81. Where Creativity Meets Combat: Exploring the USC ICT with Dr. Keith Brawner and Dr. Bill Swartout
"We found that people systematically were more willing to reveal confidential or sensitive information to a virtual human than to a real person" [Editor’s...

80. You Can't Predict the Future: Finding Signals in the Noise with Grant Rafter, Air Force Futures
[Editor's Note: Crowdsourcing and Storytelling are two of Army Mad Scientist's most effective tools in exploring future possibilities regarding the Operational Environment. Crowdsourcing helps...